Electrophysiology Laboratory

Now combined into a single co-convened section, this course gives undergraduates from freshmen to seniors a strong background in electrophysiology using insects, and even humans! It was taught for the first time in 2012, and has been an amazing laboratory experience. For all the details, including pictures and videos, check out nros415.com.
Prof. Higgins is the author of more than 50 publications and has been honored as a member of the 2012 and 2013 "Nifty fifty", a "Leading Edge" researcher, a da Vinci Fellow, and a visiting faculty member at a number of institutions. Prof. Higgins has received multiple teaching awards, and has been interviewed countless times for television, radio, and newspaper articles. His research involves an intersection between neuroscience (study of the brain) and electrical engineering (electronic circuits) which sometimes involves interfacing living brains with robots. You can read more in this 2012 bio from the Nifty Fifty.