
Title Created Date Author Hits
Neuroscience from Bugs and Bots Jun 2013 by Lee Allen, Desert Leaf Magazine 2753
Hacking Your Memory: Could Total Recall Really Happen? Aug 2012 by Keith Wagstaff, Time Magazine 3344
Scientists tap brain signals to help paralyzed hand move Apr 2012 by Sharon Gaudin, Computer World 2423
Researchers study bee brains to develop flying robots Feb 2012 by Sharon Gaudin, Computer World 2869
The Neuroscience of 'Source Code': Mind Your Brain, Soldier Apr 2011 by Valerie Ross, Discover Magazine 3407
The cyborg animal spies hatching in the lab Mar 2008 by Jessica Marshall, New Scientist 2706
Robot - Le bestie mitologiche del futuro sono gia qui Feb 2008 by Andrea Porta, Focus Magazine 2877
Scientists use monkey's brain signals to control robot Jan 2008 by Sharon Gaudin, Computer World 2821
Moth-based Robot May Lead to 'Hybrid' Computers Dec 2007 by Sharon Gaudin, Computer World 3014
Scientist: 'Hybrid' computers will meld living brains with technology Dec 2007 by Sharon Gaudin, Computer World Magazine 2751

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